Piney Grove United Methodist Church in Athens, Tennessee is a small church with a big heart. Sunday School is at 10:00 a.m. and is followed by 11:00 a.m. traditional worship. Spend some time looking through our blog and then come see us. We welcome visitors and invite you to join us in worship. You may have just found your new church home!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Young Adult Methodists final meeting for 2013

Tonight the Young Adult Methodists McMinn (YAMMS) are having their final meeting of 2013. The group decided to meet at Jones Chapel for this evening. On tap are board games, snacks and someone is bringing chili.

The McMinn County churches that were represented at the last meeting are:

Piney Grove
Jones Chapel
Mars Hill

Do you want to be part of something bigger? Do you want to make a difference in McMinn County? This is the group to join.

All Methodists from McMinn County who are between the ages of 19 and 35 are welcome. Meeting places and times will rotate among the churches listed above. Be sure to check out the Facebook page and come join us! The url is or try the QR code
Young Adult Methodists McMinn on FB

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Piney Grove UMC gets a new QR code

Piney Grove now has a new QR code. The graphic will bring you back to this blog. It can be printed on bulletins or worship materials. People who have a QR reader on their smart phone can easily use the graphic. Open the app and hold it over the code. You will be directed to this blog in just a few seconds.

The code will make it a little easier for you to keep up with all the good things that are happening at Piney Grove UMC in Athens, Tennessee. If you don't have a church home, then come see us. Worship is at 11:00 am on Sundays and the Wednesday night youth meets at 6:00 pm.

You may have just found a place to call your church home.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Fire department fundraiser is cancelled for today

You can't argue with Mother Nature. She wins every time. The fundraiser that was scheduled for today is rained out. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

We hope to plan another fundraiser for sometimes in 2014. In the meantime, if you were planning to stop by and make a donation, please give it directly to the fire department. They work hard to serve our community. No doubt that they will appreciate the support.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Claxton Volunteer Fire Department fundraiser, Athens, Tennessee

Santa photos – on a Fire truck!
Piney Grove United Methodist Church

proudly hosts a benefit fundraiser for the

Claxton Volunteer Fire Department
Riceville, Tennessee
Saturday, December 14
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Held at:
Piney Grove UMC
767 County Road 750
Athens, Tennessee

Santa photos from 3:00 – 4:30
Christmas carol sing-a-long from 4:00 – 5:00
Refreshments in the fellowship hall throughout event
Pick up fire safety information throughout event

Come have a great time!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

We have a new youth group. Come join us on Wednesday night

New Youth Group
Forming now!

Free Pizza and a Movie
Wednesday Nights, 6-8 pm.

All youth are invited.
No love offering taken.

Do you want to be a part of something bigger?
Do you want to make a difference in the world?

If yes, then this youth group is for you. Our brand new
youth group is just starting out. There is room for you,
your ideas and a friend. Why not come and join us?

Piney Grove United Methodist Church
767 County Road 750 (Landfill Road)
Athens, TN 37370
Email: Phone: 865-964-6673

Traditional worship service: Sunday, 11:00 am.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Newly remodeled sanctuary to be unveiled soon

Our newly remodeled sanctuary will be coming soon! We're confident that you're going to love it as much as we will.  The new "do" on the sanctuary wouldn't have been possible without lots of help. Several mission teams have worked on the building.

We want to say a hearty "thank you" to:

Both teams from the Church of Latter Day Saints, Cleveland Ward
Youth Group of Wesley United Methodist Church
Students from Tennessee Wesleyan College
An individual who stopped by one day and pitched in.
Our entire congregation at Piney Grove United Methodist Church

There's a tiny bit more work that needs to be done so the grand unveiling will be in a few more weeks. Our projected completion is mid-September. Keep following the blog for details as they become available. You'll want to see it.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunrise service at Piney Grove UMC

Piney Grove UMC is a warm happy place. The bright smiles can help you feel right at home. Here are some photos from our Easter Sunrise service. It started at 7:00 a.m.-ish with a gathering in front of the decorated cross. We held a time of devotion and then headed inside for a great breakfast. Sunday school and our regularly scheduled worship came next. Being with committed Christians is always a peppy upbeat occasion. Easter gives us the greatest reason to get together at Piney Grove UMC in Athens, Tennessee.

Easter Sunday at Piney Grove UMC, Athens
Breakfast gave us an opportunity to fellowship and shake off the cool sunrise air. Our menu for today was scrambled eggs with cheese, pancakes,blueberries, fruit topping, sausage, ham and bacon! Is your mouth watering yet? No? I bet it will when I tell you that we had orange juice, apple juice, milk and coffee! Anytime that you get up this early coffee is a must.

Now I realize that some people may not have been able to come. That's okay because you have the chance to join us next Sunday at 10:00 a.m. We won't guarantee breakfast but we can guarantee warm hearts, hearty smiles and a big welcome.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Love Feast on Saturday

Our Easter Love Feast is on Saturday. The table will be set with olives, beef, soft farmer's cheese and rolls. As in the early tradition, we will be serving water. There will be times for praising, prayer and silent prayer. A testimony may be given if someone wishes to do so.

Service is central it the idea of a Love Feast. We will begin the service with a handwashing as an act of servanthood from one to another. This practice comes from the idea of a footwashing service and can be deeply meaningful to those who take part.

There is nothing that you need to bring. Dress is casual. We invite you to join us on Holy Saturday at 11:00 a.m.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Etowah, Tennessee area Holy Week Services

The Etowah, Tennessee area Holy Week services for April 13-20, 2014 are as follows:

Piney Grove UMC Athens, TN Sanctuary
Easter Sunday, Sunrise

Piney Grove UMC Easter Sunrise service 
7:30 a.m.
767 County Road 750
Athens, 37303

Jones Chapel UMC 
Sunrise - 7:30 am.
Corner of County Roads 775 and 778
Riceville, TN 37370

6:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church
824 Washington Avenue
Etowah, 37331

Good Friday:
7:00 p.m. - Tenebrae
St. Paul's UMC
815 Georgia Ave
Etowah, 37331

Friday, March 8, 2013

District mission kit collection for 2013

The Cleveland District has been asked to create health kits for the hands on missions project for 2013. The following items should be placed in a two gallon zip-style bag.The district is also asking for $5 for each kit for shipping.

Items needed for mission kits
There is only one drop-off date. We'll need to have the kits at 1st UMC Cleveland on Tuesday, June 4. Delivery is to take place between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Last year, I was able to pick up all of the items at the dollar store (except for the zip bag that I already had.)
Let's be thinking about how many kits we would like to put together. We'll talk about it on Sunday.

See you at 10:00 a.m. 

PS Don't forget to bring your nonperishable food item for the local pantry. They have already expressed appreciation for our help.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bring nonperishable food on Sunday

Just a reminder...

Please bring a nonperishable food item (or more) on Sunday. High heating bills make this a difficult time of year for many people. A food box makes a real difference to someone who is hungry. This outreach was well supported last time and I'm confident that we can do it again. There isn't any better way to show God's love than to feed someone who is hungry. It reassures them that someone cares and is an ideal way to honor Christ.

There are a few things to remember when buying nonperishable food:

Pantries often need...

Peanut butter
Canned meats
Powdered or canned milk
Mac and cheese (Please do not buy the kind that you mix with milk and butter. The recipient may not have the extra items. The mac and cheese with the foil pouches is a better choice.)
Personal care and laundry closet
Think about meal planning...
A can of spaghetti sauce and pasta is a meal for a family. Cereal and canned or powered milk go together. Large cans of canned pasta may also provide a meal for a family. A box of meal helper will only help if there is some type of meat to go with it. Canned side items are always fine.

 Jones Chapel UMC food pantry also has a personal care closet. Needs include:
Toilet paper
Paper towels
Ladies personal items

Thanks for distributing Christ's love to others! See you on Sunday.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Welcome to Piney Grove UMC

Piney Grove United Methodist Church is a small congregation with a big heart. We believe that our calling to be faithful Christians goes beyond Sunday morning worship. At Piney Grove UMC we believe in sharing our lives with others both in church and in our community. Our members believe in studying the word both personally and during classes, attending worship services and service to our community.

Our members consistently look for ways to help others by:
Collecting food items for a nearby pantry
Responding to community needs as we can
Holding an annual music camp
Sponsoring families at Christmas
Collecting disaster supplies

In the near future we are expanding our love through:
Community fellowship meals
Free movie nights

Why don't you visit our church and see if we're right for you. We aren't perfect but we believe in Jesus and in his love for others. Our address is on the side panel. Feel free to email us at anytime. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m.